Petition to my U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators
Whereas: A heartbeat is the universally recognized sign of life; and
Whereas: A majority of Millennials and Gen Z – young Americans the media claim can’t get enough of abortion-on-demand – support banning or severely restricting abortion after a baby’s heartbeat is detected according to a recent poll by the Demetree Institute;
Whereas: Even before they issued a decision reversing Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed Texas’ Heartbeat Law to go into effect, which has saved up to 150 lives per day since being instituted; and
Whereas: By reversing Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has declared the power to regulate abortion resides with the voters and their elected officials;
Therefore: I insist you co-sponsor and do everything in your power to PASS national abortion prevention laws including the Heartbeat Bill and the Life at Conception Act.